Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Getting Ready to The New FWC 2019-2020 Season

The UCLA's Faculty Women's Club Board members, Ad Hoc & Off Board & Coordinators met on August 6th at the UCLA's Faculty Center, Cypress Room. This is the first meeting in the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

The following FWC members participated in the meeting, and here's the group photograph.

Seated from left: Debby Wagger, Helene Des Ruisseaux, Shirley Ho (President), Bette Billet, and Barbara Lippe
Standing from left: Zorana Ercegovac, Dagmar Lestrel, Patti Nagy, Sandy Spolsky, Estellaleigh Franenberg, Jarka Wilcox, June Bulkacz, Rochelle Caballero, and Geraldine Walter

Photo credits: Jasmine Dade, The Faculty Center

The group addressed all pertinent issues, laid out in the meeting agenda, by Shirley Ho.
The group consists of 8 past presidents and recruited new Board Members, including
June Bulkacz, Estellaleigh Franenberg, and Helene Des Ruisseaux.

From another "working" angle of the FWC members
Photo credits: Jasmine Dade

Geraldine Walter, Past President (2018-2019) on the right with
Barbara Lippe (President 2017-2018)

Photo credits: Zorana Ercegovac